Getting and Staying Healthy: A Health and Medical Blog

What To Expect When You Have Laser Prostate Surgery

Laser prostate surgery is an alternative to the more traditional approach of open surgery. It's considered safe and effective, and it can also have many benefits when compared to open surgery, such as smaller incisions and a quicker recovery time. Laser prostate surgery may be recommended as a treatment approach for a number of conditions, including benign prostatic hyperplasia, which leads to enlargement of the prostate, and persistent urinary tract infections that have not responded to more conservative treatment. So what should you expect when you go for laser prostate surgery? Here's an overview of what to expect before, during and after this type of surgery.

Before Laser Prostate Surgery

Just before your surgery, you will have the opportunity to ask your surgeon any questions you have and you will likely meet with your anaesthetist. They will discuss the use of anaesthesia and pain management during your surgery. As this type of surgery utilises keyhole surgical techniques and is carried out as a day case, spinal anaesthesia is typically used. You can discuss this with your anaesthetist and request a general anaesthetic if you feel particularly anxious about the procedure. However, this will extend the time you will remain under observation after your procedure.

During Laser Prostate Surgery

Right before surgery, the spinal anaesthesia will be administered and you will have various monitoring devices attached to your body to allow the surgical team to keep track of your vitals, such as your heartrate and blood pressure, during surgery. A thin, flexible scope is then inserted into your urethra through the tip of your penis. This scope has a tiny camera attached to it and also allows your surgeon to reach your prostate with small surgical tools, which prevents the need to make any large incisions. Depending on the exact reason you require laser prostate surgery, your surgeon will utilise an appropriate surgical technique, such as melting away excess prostate tissue with a surgical laser or using a laser to section your entire prostate into tiny pieces that can then be suctioned out of your body through the scope tube.

After Laser Prostate Surgery

After your procedure, you can expect to feel a little discomfort, and you may be given pain medication to help you rest and recover. You will likely need to spend a few hours in the hospital for observation and to ensure you are passing urine normally, and when you return home you will need to take things easy for a few days. Your doctor will arrange a follow-up appointment to ensure you have recovered well. Imaging, such as an MRI or ultrasound, may be required at your follow-up to check on the surgical site and ensure there have been no issues with internal healing.

If you have any questions or concerns about your procedure, ensure you speak with your surgeon before scheduling your surgery. They can go over the risks and benefits for you personally and ensure you are making an informed decision.
